Speed bumps (or speed breakers) are the common name for a family of traffic calming devices that use vertical deflection to slow motor-vehicle traffic in order to improve safety conditions. Variations include the speed hump, speed cushion, and speed table.
The use of vertical deflection devices is widespread around the world, and they are most commonly found to enforce a low speed limit, under 10 km/h or lower.
Pragati Speed bumps are abrupt raised areas, typically 2–3 inches high with a travel length of 12 inches, that can be comfortably crossed at speeds of 5 miles per hour or less. Crossing at higher speeds can cause significant discomfort for the vehicle's occupants. Because Pragati Speed bumps require an immediate and dramatic slowdown, they are often considered to be a liability risk on public streets and other roads where higher speeds are allowed. If you need a speed-control solution for low-speed areas, such as parking lots, garages, and low-traffic private roads, Pragati Speed bumps would be a good option.
Pragati Speed humps are designed to slow vehicles while maintaining traffic flow, with a gentler rise and a lower peak height. Their design allows drivers to cross comfortably without sudden braking, allowing traffic to flow smoothly while still controlling speed. Pragati Speed humps are ideal for entertainment venues that accommodate large volumes of traffic, and they are also recommended for residential streets with speed limits of 25 miles per hour or less. If you need a solution for higher-speed areas where smooth traffic flow is essential, consider opting for Pragati Speed humps. Whether you choose Pragati Speed bumps or Pragati Speed humps,
Here are a few features to look for:
The traffic signs on National Highways and other roads must conform strictly to the configuration, colour scheme and location as prescribed in IRC:67-2001, which is also based on the UN Convention on Road Signs and Signals, Vienna November 1968 of which India is one of the signatories.